viernes, 7 de junio de 2013

Artículo Balibar + 2 reseñas de Jason Reed

Una reseña de Metafísicas caníbales hecha por un espinozista y deleuziano del norte: Jason Reed

Del mismo autor una reseña interesante para nosotros sobre un texto de Etienne Balibar --- filósofo marxista, alumno de Althousser, quien con él escribió Para leer el Capital (un clásico de otra época)--- titulada The Real as Relation <

Va un párrafo:

(…) Etienne Balibar has argued that Marx’s critique of ideology in The German Ideology has as its corollary a concept of the “real as relation.” The specific quote is: “The materialist critique of ideology, for its part corresponds to the analysis of the real as relation, as a structure of practical relations.” As Balibar notes, Marx does not just denounce ideology in the name of the actually existing material relations of production, in which case the relations would be the truth of the fiction of ideology, but attempts to demonstrate how ideology emerges through those relations, constituted by the division between mental and manual labor. Thus, it is not possible to simply juxtapose an ideological conception to a real condition since that real condition, the structure of material relations of production and reproduction, includes ideology.

Un artículo --super interesante-- de Etienne Balibar. En su texto CLS, fundador del postestructuralismo (2010), EVC no lo menciona, pero el tipo en 2001 ya planteaba que "El estructuralismo es un postestructuralismo". <>

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